Sunday, June 26, 2016

At The Time That God Told Moses

At the time that God told Moses to make the Mishkan (the Tabernacle)…

…he (Moses) came and told Bezalel, he (Bezalel) said, "What is the purpose of the Mishkan?" He (Moses) answered, "That God may allow His Presence to rest within it, and thereby teach Torah to Israel."

Bezalel said to him, "Where will the Torah be placed?" He answered, "After we build the Mishkan we will build the Aron (the ark of the covenant).” He said, "Moses, our master, this is not honor for the Torah, rather first we should make the Aron and then make the Mishkan. Therefore the Aron was called in his name." [Shmot Rabbah 50:2]

Above quote: On Bezalel -

Yehoshua is that Torah. First he is “placed” in the “ark” which is made for him by his people, Israel, that is, the place of his tomb, the place of the transformation of this world into the eternal world, the “black hole” of the heavens and the earth, that is Beresheit, Source-of-Beginning.

Then the Tabernacle of Israel’s full embrace is built around his empty tomb, where the Presence of G-d dwells, even unto the ends of the earth and the heavens.

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