In Matthew 24 Yehoshua is recorded as teaching his students that all the calamities of the world will escalate more and more but the are not the calamities of the final period of time simply because they are escalating more and more. They are a part of what prepares the world for that final period of time, which is a period of the most severe judgments. They are only one part of the escalating patterns that prepare the world for its final end. Such things as hatred and immorality will also increase exponentially. But it is the Good News itself, according to Yehoshua, which will bring about the final end of the natural time and life of this world.
How does this work? First of all the Great Commission being fulfilled is not simply a marker, the ultimate sign of the end time and Mashiach's return. Nor is it simply a case that it is a technical matter of giving every sinner a chance to repent and be saved. This good news that is spoken of is itself the channel of the Eternal World penetrating and infiltrating into this temporal world. This is the Good News of Israel and Her Messiah. It is an utter mystery to this world, but it will be announced and it will be made clear and indisputable in the final hour – as a result, the end shall come.